Sunday, September 22, 2013

Still Painting: Saturday, Day Two :)

Phew! Thanks to Chris, we've gotten SO much done today! Nearly all of the Great Room is painted, the kitchen has been touched up & is totally finished, and Chris even moved the refridgerator to paint the appropriate color(s) behind it! (There is an imaginary transition between hallway and kitchen wall behind there.)

Here's the overhead area I couldn't reach on Thursday. Yay Chris! :)

The kitchen has these wall transitions in place of tradition doorways and they required a unique plan in my opinion. So, here's what we did! We painted the "in between" part of the wall in the Sea Salt color from the hallway. A nice neutral color, but an actual color, to make each bold color -Scandia in Great Room and New Bamboo in Kitchen- work together. :)

The vertical wall. To the right of the clock.

A bit washed out, but the contrast entryway 

Like the name implied, the Great Room, has lots of wall space! But, what slowed ME down was all the windows & doors- most very close together. No space for quick mini rollers or handy edging tools. 

For Chris, he had to spent most of the day perched at the top of the ladder painting the very highest sections of the walls. Even on a ladder and using a roller extension, there are areas too high! Tomorrow, when today's paint is dry, he'll be able to lean the tallest ladder on the wall and finish the job.

Ok! Here's photos from today! :)


The start of my work- edging doors & windows.

More mess! Chris working on the kitchen.

Tippy Top!

Great Room is almost finished! I had a little fun putting up a splash of blue in the Den. :) We'll get to painting the Den soon, because the flooring isn't being updated in there- good ol' comfy carpet :)- we don't have to rush. :)

Brave Guy!! :)

Crazy Guy!

The hallway is all dry and put back together! Love it!

You can view a small slice of the hallway from the kitchen.

Same photo I know, but good example of the kitchen onto the dining area & bay window. It's in lower light.

More Great Room against the Kitchen. In full artificial light. See the big pile of out new flooring? ;)

Yay, yay! Oh I hope my back will allow me to get out of bed tomorrow!

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